Chicken Vegetable Turmeric Soup

                                           Chicken Vegetable Turmeric Soup. Even though it is still cold here in the North, Spring is just around the corner; I promise! Soups are still in order in my kitchen but one that is […]

Lemony Vegetable Quinoa Soup

                                  Lemony Vegetable Quinoa Soup. My Lemony Vegetable Quinoa Soup is a simply nutritious and delicious soup using late summer organic vegetables and greens! Quinoa is actually a seed, although used as a grain; it is protein rich, full […]

Quinoa Lentil Salad with Zaatar

  Quinoa called the “grain from antiquity” and the primary food of the ancient Incas of South America is really not a grain at all! Quinoa is a seed related to the beet and spinach family; and it is probably the most nutritious pseudo cereal one could consume! Quinoa is high in fiber, iron and […]

Minted Israeli Couscous with Fried Eggs

I usually make more food than can be eaten in one sitting, and that’s a good thing; because reinventing healthy meals from left over dishes is a great time saver for those of us with extremely busy lives. It is also a great way to experiment with nutritionally sound ideas that have exceptionally healthy and delicious results!! Making […]

Saffron Quinoa

Saffron Quinoa Quinoa is the ancient Inca grain that is the most nutritious of all grains. Quinoa is high in fiber, gluten free, full of amino acids and iron with a delicious nutty flavor and an incredibly light consistency! My Saffron Quinoa is a side dish and a salad and goes with just about any […]

Simply Natural Gourmet Cookbook