Dijon Potato Salad for the 4th!!

dijon potato salad

dijon potato salad Dijon Potato Salad

This is a yummy potato salad using dijon mustard instead of mayonnaise! Perfect with burgers. brats or any grilled meat! Don’t limit yourself to just the vegetables I have listed here; the addition of crisp cucumber, scallions and radish and even sliced raw asparagus would give sensational crunch!!


8 red, yellow finn or yukon gold potatoes

1 medium red onion , chopped

1 green bell pepper , chopped

1 red bell pepper, chopped

1&1/2 cup chopped celery

2 medium carrots, chopped

1/2 cup prepared dijon mustard

1 TBLS dried dill leaves

1 tsp spike, chophouse or grind to a salt seasoning

1/2 tsp medium grind black pepper

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

Boil potatoes, let cool and cube

In a large mixing bowl combine potatoes with rest of chopped vegetables; add mustard, seasonings and olive oil

Mix thoroughly and chill for 1 hour

Shed the mayonnaise with this delightful, low calorie alternative potato salad. Serve as you would any potato salad, you won’t miss the mayo!!  Easily serves 4-6

Enjoy!dijon potato

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