Cucumber, Tomato Salad with Roasted Squash

cucumber, tomato squash salad

cucumber, tomato squash saladWinter squash varieties are still very much available. You can find the delicata, acorn and butternut varieties of these healthful squashes at any natural food grocery. Full of antioxidants and carotenoids, these squashes are more than just delicious! Roasting the squash brings out it’s rich flavor and blending it with the best of summer vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes lightens the dish with bright flavors!
This is a very delicious, satisfying salad and can stand alone or be served with a grilled meat. Perfect in the late summer when cucumbers and tomatoes are at their peak and winter squash is just starting. Enjoy!

1 medium delicata or acorn squash, sliced

4-5 green tomatoes, quartered

5-6 large radish, sliced

Grind to salt(frontier herb blend)

dash of roasted coriander

ground pepper

olive oil

2 seedless or slicing cucumbers, sliced

3-4 firm heirloom  tomatoes, quartered

fresh ground salt and pepper

juice of one lime and zest

In a sheet pan arrange squash, green tomato and radish

season with “grind to salt”, coriander and pepper

dredge with olive oil

roast at 425 degrees for 25 minutes until squash is crisp tender,occasionally tossing

In a large serving platter arrange the cucumber and heirloom tomato

top with the roasted vegetables

sprinkle with the lime zest and lime juice

freshly ground salt and pepper to taste

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